Pop-up Motorsport Pit Perch

The Pop-Up Pit Perch isn't just a fancy name; it accurately reflects the ease and convenience this innovative product offers race teams. Forget cumbersome, time-consuming setups; this ingenious design pops up in minutes thanks to its lightweight aluminum frame. When the checkered flag drops and it's time to pack up, the process is just as effortless. Everything, from the sturdy 620gsm black PVC covers to the steel shelving unit, monitor brackets, and even the electrical output unit and LED light strip, conveniently packs down into a wheeled storage bag, making transport a breeze. So, whether you're a seasoned veteran or a new team on the grid, the Pop-Up Pit Perch is the ultimate solution for creating a functional, comfortable, and organized pit stop, all without sacrificing precious time or valuable space.

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